What is Inner Thigh Lift?
Inner Thigh Lift is a surgical procedure which is performed in order to remove excess skin and fat from the inner thigh area for a smoother, tighter and more youthful thigh contour.
Excess loose skin in the upper inner thighs is most often associated with:
- Weight fluctuations
- Natural aging process
- Heredity
Excess loose skin in the upper inner thighs, unfortunately, cannot be improved with exercise. At the same time, patients can have considerable psychological effects affecting patient’s self-esteem and social confidence.
Who is a good candidate for an Inner Thigh Lift?
Candidates for an Inner Thigh Lift are the following:
- people with excess loose skin in their upper inner thighs
- people who are not significantly overweight, maintaining a relatively constant high weight
- people without medical conditions that may delay recovery
- people with realistic expectations
What to expect at your first appointment?
At your first appointment, you will discuss:
- what exactly is your concern in the appearance of your inner thighs, and if Inner Thigh Lift is the appropriate treatment for you
- your past medical history, if you are on any medication, vitamins or other herbal supplements, if you have any allergies or any other operations in the past
- if you smoke (if the answer is yes, how many cigarettes per day).
Afterwards, Dr Karmiris:
- will evaluate your general health condition and any other risk factors
- will examine you, he will take detailed measurements and he will evaluate excess or sagging skin as well as your skin quality
- will take preoperative photographs
- will discuss with you all the possible surgical options, depending on your case
- will discuss with you all the possible results of the surgical procedure and any risks or potential complications, as described in the international literature and finally
- will discuss with you about the anaesthetic plan.
Preoperative check:
Preoperative check includes mainly blood tests, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG) and any other specialized tests, depending on the case.
Also, it will be necessary to stop smoking preoperatively, and immediately post-operatively as well as avoid taking aspirin and any anti-inflammatory medicine, since they increase the risk of bleeding.
You want to learn more;
Contact dr Karmiris.
The surgical procedure:
The surgical procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. Scars vary in size and shape, depending on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed. In general, the incisions are placed just under the groin, in order not to be distinguishable, following the line of the inner thigh towards the buttocks. Alternatively, if more tissue needs to be removed, a vertical scar (down the inside of the thigh) might be necessary.
If necessary, the surgical procedure can be combined with liposuction for more accurate contouring. Depending on the case, the incisions might be limited or more extensive.
After removing excess skin and restructuring the area, the wounds are closed with absorbable sutures.
The scars are permanent but fortunately, in most cases, they will improve significantly over time.
Post operatively:
Immediately after the surgical procedure, you will have medical gauze or bandages on the incisions which will be reduced gradually. If drains have been used, they will be removed in a couple of days. You will need to wear a post-surgical compression garment in order to minimize swelling and fasten restoration of skin elasticity.
In most cases, patients are discharged on the day of surgery or the latest the next day. Dr Karmiris will give you particular instructions on how to take care of your incisions immediately post-op, what medication you should take and when you will be seen for a follow up.
Risks and safety information
In general, inner thigh lift is a safe surgical procedure which is performed with great success. However, like any other surgical procedure, inner thigh lift has some risks, as well as potential complications that every patient should be aware of and should understand fully, before entering operating room.
The most important potential complications are the following:
- Bleeding or haematoma
- Bruising
- Wound infection
- Fat necrosis
- Poor healing
- Asymmetry
- Hypoesthesia at the incision line, usually temporal
- General risks from anaesthesia such as deep vein thrombosis, cardiac or pulmonary complications.
Dr Karmiris will explain you, in detail, the whole surgical procedure and will answer any questions related to that.
You want to learn more;
Contact dr Karmiris.
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