Νικόλαος Ι. Καρμίρης - Πλαστικός Χειρουργός | Plastic Surgeon

Διεύθυνση – Address

Λεωφόρος Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας 124Β, Αθήνα, Αμπελόκηποι, 11526 – 124Β Vasilissis Sofias Ave, Athens, Greece

Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας – Phone Number

+30 210 6399944



Διεύθυνση – Address

Λεωφόρος Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας 124Β, Αθήνα, Αμπελόκηποι, 11526 – 124Β Vasilissis Sofias Ave, Athens, Greece

Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας – Phone Number

+30 210 6399944



What is facelift?

Facelift , is one of the most popular aesthetic operations, performed by a Plastic Surgeon, which takes place in order to improve any visible signs of aging on the face and neck.

It’s significant that only through facelift, performed by an experienced Plastic Surgeon,

such stunning results. NO OTHER non surgical treatment, until today, can achieve similar results.

In particular, facelift improves the following:

  • saggy skin on the face
  • deep wrinkles under the lower eyelids
  • deep wrinkles, on the bridge of nose, extending from the corners of the mouth
  • fat atrophy
  • the loss of skin tone on the lower face, which looks like a hanging jawline
  • loose skin and excess fat under the chin and the jawline, which may give the appearance of “double chin”, even to a person with normal weight.

The loss of youthful contour on the face can take place due to various factors including hereditygravityenvironmental conditions and stress. Several times, the best result can be achieved by combining surgical procedures, such as browlift and blepharoplasty.


Who is a good candidate for a facelift?

Candidates for a facelift are the following:

  • people with obvious sagging skin of the face
  • people without medical conditions which delay recovery
  • people with realistic expectations

What to expect at your first appointment:

At your first appointment, you will discuss:

  • what exactly is your concern in the appearance of the face, and if facelift is the appropriate treatment for you.
  • your past medical history, if you are on any medication, vitamins or other herbal supplements, if you have any allergies or any other operations in the past
  • if you smoke (if the answer is yes, how many cigarettes per day).

Afterwards, Dr. Karmiris:

  • will evaluate your general health condition and any other risk factors
  • will examine you and will take all the detailed measurements from you faceexcess or sagging skin, and he will evaluate your skin quality
  • will take preoperative photographs
  • will discuss with you all the possible surgical options, depending on your case
  • will discuss with you all the possible results of the surgical procedure and any risks or potential complications, as described in the international literature and finally
  • will discuss with you about the anaesthetic plan.

Preoperative check:

Preoperative check includes mainly blood tests, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG) and any other specialized tests, depending on the case.

Also, it will be necessary to stop smoking preoperatively, and immediately post-operatively as well as avoid taking aspirin and any anti-inflammatory medicine, since they increase the risk of bleeding.


Traditional facelift

In a traditional facelift, the incision begins in the hairline of the temporal area, continues around the ear and ends up in the back of the scalp. Then, adipose tissue around the area is redistributed, while the deeper layers of facial skin (such as SMAS and underlying muscles) are lifted through traction, until the desired result is achieved.

In the final stage, skin area is redraped and excess skin is excised. A second incision under the chin may be necessary in order to further improve the neck.


Short Scar & MACS Lift

An alternative solution to the traditional lifting facelift is some more modern techniques, such as short scar and MACS technique, which can be done with smaller incisions to the temporal area, or around the ear with comparable results as the traditional facelift, and without extensive incisions. However, it should be noted that those techniques limit access to the neck, as well as nasolabial folds.

Dr Karmiris will explain you the whole process in detail, and will discuss with you the appropriate technique, depending on your case, in order to have the best result.


Post operatively

Immediately after the surgical procedure, you will have medical gauze or bandages on the incisions which will be reduced, gradually. If drains have been used, they will be removed in one or two days the latest, while the stitches are removed in a week.

In most cases, patients are discharged the next day. Dr Karmiris will give you particular instructions on how to take care of your incisions immediately post-op, what medication you should take and when you will be seen for a follow up.


Risks and safety information:

In general, facelift is a safe surgical procedure which is performed with great success. However, like any other surgical procedure, facelift has some risks, as well as potential complications that every patient should be aware of and should understand fully, before entering operating room.

The most important potential complications are the following:

  • Bleeding or haematoma in about 1% of patients
  • Wound infection
  • Poor healing
  • Nerve injury
  • Regional alopecia where the incisions are located within the hairline
  • Hypoesthesia at the incision line, which can be temporal or permanent in about 5-10% of the patients
  • General risks from anaesthesia, such as deep vein thrombosis, cardiac or pulmonary complications.

Dr Karmiris will explain you, in detail, the whole surgical procedure and will answer any questions related to that.

Get in touch with the doctor