Νικόλαος Ι. Καρμίρης - Πλαστικός Χειρουργός | Plastic Surgeon

Διεύθυνση – Address

Λεωφόρος Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας 124Β, Αθήνα, Αμπελόκηποι, 11526 – 124Β Vasilissis Sofias Ave, Athens, Greece

Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας – Phone Number

+30 210 6399944



Διεύθυνση – Address

Λεωφόρος Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας 124Β, Αθήνα, Αμπελόκηποι, 11526 – 124Β Vasilissis Sofias Ave, Athens, Greece

Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας – Phone Number

+30 210 6399944



Hand Surgery

Upper extremity conditions in general and hand related conditions in particular is a huge chapter in Medicine and their treatment requires highly qualified doctors. Reconstructive Plastic Surgery in most of the cases is offering solutions to conditions such as skin defects, as well as underlying tissues defects (muscles, bones etc). These defects are mainly caused by injuries, burns, tumour excision but they can also be present due to congenital diseases or chronic diseases such as diabetes. Other pathological conditions which can be treated by an expert Reconstructive Surgeon, are chronic diseases such as Carpal Tunnel SyndromeDupuytren’s diseaseGuyon’s canal syndrometrigger finger, tendon conditions etc.

Dr Karmiris will answer all your questions and will recommend you an ideal solution for an optimal and functional result.

Hand is a valuable tool for human body and performs movement with absolute precision. Restoring its functionality in an optimal manner with absolute precision, is in any case, Dr. Karmiris’ primary concern.


What to expect at your first appointment:

At your first appointment, you will discuss:

  • what exactly is your functional issue and if hand surgery is the appropriate treatment for you.
  • your past medical history, if you are on any medication, vitamins or other herbal supplements, if you have any allergies or any other operations in the past
  • coexisting conditions related to your problem
  • if you smoke (if the answer is yes, how many cigarettes per day).

Afterwards, Dr Karmiris:

  • will evaluate your general health condition and any other risk factors
  • will take preoperative photographs
  • will discuss with you all the possible surgical options, depending on your case
  • will discuss with you all the possible results of the surgical procedure and any risks or potential complications, as described in the international literature and finally
  • will discuss with you about the anaesthetic plan.

Preoperative check:

Preoperative check includes mainly blood testschest X-rayelectrocardiogram (ECG) and any other specialized tests, depending on the case.

Also, it will be necessary to stop smoking preoperatively and immediately post-operatively as well as avoid taking aspirin and any anti-inflammatory medicine, since they increase the risk of bleeding.


The surgical procedure:

The type of the condition determines to a large extent the type of the surgery, as well as the method of anaesthesia which will be followed. Small defects can be repaired with simple surgical techniques and by using healthy parts adjacent to the injury. However, complex or extensive upper extremity injuries often require the usage of specialized techniques that can be used by an expert Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon. These may include the usage of special suturing methods in cases of tendons, blood vessels and nerves incisions, as well as transfer from other parts of the body, depending on the case, such as thumb reconstruction with toe transfer in case of total loss. The operating time of the surgery and the patient’s stay in the clinic varies, depending on the case.


Post operatively:

 Post operatively, the patient can be discharged on the same day while in complex medical conditions, patient’s prolonged length of stay is necessary. Depending on the type of the condition and the performed operation, patients can take pain killers and antibiotics, depending on the case. In case of external sutures, apart from internal absorbable sutures, they will be removed in about 10 to 15 days. Dr Karmiris will give you particular instructions on how to take care of your incisions immediately post-op and when you will be seen for a follow up.

For more information regarding hand surgery, book today your appointment with Dr Nikos Karmiris.

The doctor will answer all the questions and will help you to find the most appropriate therapy, depending on your case.

Get in touch with the doctor