Νικόλαος Ι. Καρμίρης - Πλαστικός Χειρουργός | Plastic Surgeon

Διεύθυνση – Address

Λεωφόρος Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας 124Β, Αθήνα, Αμπελόκηποι, 11526 – 124Β Vasilissis Sofias Ave, Athens, Greece

Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας – Phone Number

+30 210 6399944



Διεύθυνση – Address

Λεωφόρος Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας 124Β, Αθήνα, Αμπελόκηποι, 11526 – 124Β Vasilissis Sofias Ave, Athens, Greece

Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας – Phone Number

+30 210 6399944



What is Liposculpting?

Liposculpting is a surgical procedure which is used in order to improve muscle tone, as well as to refine overall body shape. It is used to treat “little pockets of fat” , whereas liposuction covers larger areas.

Instead of just removing fat, liposculpting also moves it around in order to be balanced offering a desired shape. This is why liposculpting can be especially effective in body areas that do not respond to diet and exercice.


Liposuction Vs Liposculpting

Liposuction and Liposculpting, despite the fact that they are two of the most common surgical procedures, differ in some unique ways. The differences between these two procedures, include the following:

  • Liposuction is used in order to remove more fat than liposculpting. However, liposculpting usually reshapes larger volumes of fat
  • Liposculpting is commonly used in order to achieve body sculpting results. In this way, liposculpting provides precise results.
  • Liposuction is typically used on patients with larger amounts of excess fat.
  • Liposculpting is not commonly used for weight loss related results

In which body areas can be applied?

Body liposculpting, essentially enhances and improves its contour by removing large volume of fat. As previously mentioned, it is mainly used in order to remove fat from areas that cannot be lost with diet and exercice.

The most common areas of the body where liposculpting is used are the following:

  • Abdominal area
  • Back
  • Fat deposits around the waist and the so called “love handles”
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Chin area

It is emphasized that satisfactory skin elasticity is necessary to any area that will be treated with liposculpting. This way, your skin will recover faster and you will not have more loose skin.


Who is a good candidate for Liposculpting?

In general, we would say that liposculpting works best if you have satisfactory skin elasticity, which is generally true for those who are younger, they do not smoke and do not have skin damage due to sun exposure.

A good candidate is someone close to his ideal weight and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) below 30. It should be mentioned that liposculpting may not work well if you have weakened muscles or loose skin due to the natural aging process or pregnancy.


What to expect at your first appointment:

At your first appointment, you will discuss:

  • your past medical history
  • if you are on any medication, vitamins or other herbal supplements
  • if you smoke (if the answer is yes, how many cigarettes per day).
  • if you have any allergies

Afterwards, Dr Karmiris will recommend you:

  • to avoid alcohol for 2 weeks preop and post-op
  • to stop smoking 4 weeks preoperatively and post-operatively
  • not to take ibuprofen or aspirin 2 weeks preop
  • to reduce salt intake
  • to stop taking any herbal supplements and vitamins 2 weeks preoperatively
  • to drink plenty of water

How does the surgical procedure is performed?

The doctor uses liposculpting in order to remove excess fat from certain areas of the body. It is not used for weight loss, but rather to tighten up areas that have already satisfactory skin elasticity. It can improve contour such as accentuating abdominal muscles (the so called “six pack” effect) or narrowing the waist.

Most surgeons use the tumescent technique, which helps limiting blood loss and over-bruising. During the surgical procedure, the doctor injects a sterile solution, causing numbness locally. Then, he makes a small incision and places a small cannula under the skin into the fat.

The cannula is used in order to move fat, release it and then remove it with suction. Several times, fat is purified, processed and transferred in other body areas, such as buttocks or face in order to enhance features in those areas.



Immediately after the surgical procedure, the patient will experience swelling and bruising. This is completely normal and it will settle after a few weeks.

The results are immediate but may not be immediately visible. The final results take about six months in order to become fully apparent. During the recovery, your body continues to heal and readjust.

Most likely, the doctor will advise you to take 1 week off from work. Light walking is recommended in order to avoid blood clots. You should also avoid strenuous activities and exercice for 2 – 3 weeks.

Finally, you should wear a post-op compression garment in order to reduce swelling. In order to maintain the results after liposculpting is recommended to have a balanced diet, which is rich in vegetables, fruits and cereals.


Potential complications

In general, we would say that liposculpting is a safe surgical procedure and complications are rare. However, if you experience any of the following, less common but serious adverse reactions, contact immediately your doctor:

  • Blood clot or seroma formation
  • Permanent changes in skin colour
  • Infection or bleeding
  • Temporary numbness

For more information on the price of liposculpting and the exact cost of the surgical procedure, book today your appointment with Dr Nikos Karmiris.

Get in touch with the doctor