An innovative and painless method of facial rejuvenation and radiance.
What is PRP with Hyaluronic Acid?
PRP treatment with hyaluronic acid is an innovative technique which combines two extremely popular treatments in one. These treatments are the following: Autologous Mesotherapy and Hyaluronic Acid mesotherapy.
PRP with hyaluronic acid combines absolute safety and long-term results of PRP with the unrivaled rejuvenation and deep hydration which is offered by hyaluronic acid.
PRP with hyaluronic acid, known also as Vampire lift has immediate and visible results. The fact that it is performed easily, quickly and painless at an outpatient setting, without requiring recovery period makes it extremely popular, worldwide.
Which are the advantages of autologous PRP facial mesotherapy?
Autologous PRP mesotherapy enables changing of texture and appearance of the skin, by offering immediate results. It is about an advanced form of mesotherapy, during which, plasma is used, that comes from patient’s own blood .
It is used in skin suffering from acne, freckles or discoloration and the results are the following:
- restoration of small wrinkles naturally, helping to their elimination
- enhancement of collagen production
- radiance and hydration
Which are the benefits of facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid treatment has the following benefits:
- eliminates signs of tiredness of the face
- provides deep hydration of the skin
- improves deep wrinkles and expression lines
How does PRP with hyaluronic acid is performed?
Initially, blood samples (8-10ml) are taken from patients. Then blood is centrifuged in order to isolate the plasma, which is rich in platelets, from the other components of blood. After separation, plasma is activated by adding nucleotide solution (DNA Activator) and calcium standard solution (Ca++).
Thanks to the growth factors contained in the platelets, skin fibroblasts proliferate and consequently, collagen and elastin production is enhanced. Then, the plasma is amplified with hyaluronic acid in order to obtain the multivalent end product.
The particular treatment is performed in 2 methods. Either by needling or with a specific medical device of micro needling (Dermapen).
- Needling: Injectable autologous mesotherapy acts through a very thin needle (30G), in order to achieve the anticipated therapeutic effect. The solution is injected directly into the subdermal tissue, in order to have the desired results.
- Dermapen: It is about a relatively new method, similar to the injectable, but covers all the areas of head/neck/chest in order a solution of equal volume to be injected in adjacent areas that are going to be treated.
With this technique, we use a machine in the form of pen, with 12 pin-needles. These penetrate the skin up to 100 times per second, with adjustable speed and depth 0,25 – 2,5 mm, depending on the area we are treating.
With this method, we minimize the following:
- skin damage
- pain
- bruising
- recovery time
At the same time, we activate collagen and elastin production in the skin surface and in combination with the multivalent end product we are using, we achieve the desired results.
In which areas of the body can PRR with hyaluronic acid be performed?
PRP with hyaluronic acid can be performed to the following body parts:
- face
- eyes
- neck
- décolleté
- hands
Who is a good candidate?
The particular treatment is addressed not only to women but also men, regardless of their age. The effectiveness of the treatment is directly related to the type of the skin, the site of the problem, as well as the extent of the particular problem.
Good candidates are the following:
- 20 – 30 years old: it offers hydration, radiance, maintains youthful skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles
- 30 – 40 years old: smooths fine lines, enhances skin elasticity and offers hydration and radiance
- 45 years old and over: it corrects the signs of aging, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restores elasticity and hydration of the skin
Which are the main advantages?
The main advantages of the particular treatment are the following:
- completely safe to its use
- it does not require recovery time
- it is used successfully in various areas of skin
- there are no side effects
- it contributes to the regeneration of skin, naturally
Which are the results?
- deep hydration of the skin
- anti-aging action
- reduces fine lines
- prevents the appearance of wrinkles
- improves under eye bags and wrinkles
- healthy, luminous and radiant appearance of the skin
- tightening action
The particular method has immediate results?
The results of non-invasive PRP technique with hyaluronic acid may become apparent immediately after the first session, with noticeable improvement of the texture and appearance of the skin.
The final results are achieved after having completed 4 – 6 sessions. If the treatment is combined with hydration and skin care, balanced diet and some repetitive conservative treatments, it can be effective and long term.
Risks and safety information
PRP treatment with hyaluronic acid is generally a painless and safe treatment. In rare cases, can be observed transient symptoms such as:
- bruising
- itching
- erythema
- mild swelling
For more information regarding the procedure of PRP with hyaluronic acid and its cost, book today your appointment with Dr Nikos Karmiris.
Non Invasive Treatments